Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Staying Close to the Fire

Each week, my friends and business partners participate in the 30 day mental cleanse. We read a chapter out of the book Think & Grow Rich (T&GR), write out our thoughts on the chapter and discuss them on a mastermind call. Also, each week we have a leaders call where Michael Dlouhy leads a discussion on a subject that will enlighten you about our industry and how you relate.

On one of these calls, Michael shared a training he received from Jerry Clark. Jerry explained the four categories of people -- those who passionately work in their strengths; those who work in their strengths but are passion less about it; those who passionately work in their weakness; and those who work in their weakness and are passion less about doing so. (The income earned correlates to which quadrant you operate in but that is a topic for another discussion).

Well, here is a lesson submitted by one of the participants in the 30 day cleanse. It incorporates the lesson learned from Chapter 1 in T&GR, the lesson learned from Jerry Clark and a lesson learned from life coach, Patrick Wanis. It was submitted by Suzan Svatek.

Then Man Who "Thought" His Way Into Partnership With Thomas A. Edison

On Monday I was able to listen to 2 life-changing conference calls. The first one was with Michael about our Strengths,Weaknesses, Having Passion, or being Passionless.

I realized I had lapsed into the Passionless/Weakness quadrant of the chart. I have been working AT my business, not IN my business.

I could not understand WHY I had fallen so far into darkness. Yes, I am a Green, but in the beginning months of working in my business I was in the Passionate/Weakness quadrant (though I didn't know this at the time).

I really wanted to make my business work, but I was very focused on my weaknesses and trying to overcome them. Some of my weaknesses are:

Fear of Rejection
Fear of not knowing the right (perfect) thing
to say when I called my leads
Fear of GETTING leads
Fear of Success
Fear of building relationships
Fear of the responsibility of managing people

In a conversation with my sponsor 2 weeks ago, I realized that I was sabotaging myself.

He offered to help me one-on-one to create some success in the next 90 days. I felt myself withdraw and become fearful. I had to do some real soul-searching and find out what that was about.

Did I WANT what I thought I wanted, or was I just fooling myself and actually was a loser.

I DIDN'T want to face THAT thought. I truly don't think of myself as a loser in all aspects of my life, but I had to face the fact that I THOUGHT of myself as a loser in Network Marketing.

I had failed at it in the past, and I was doomed to fail at it again. I have isolated myself from other team members thinking myself not worthy of taking their time for advice and guidance.

I haven't even tapped into the resource of my successful sponsor. I thought somehow that I had to do this on my own. I needed to know how to do this business without help.

Then, on Monday evening I listened to another conference call and things started to come all together. The speaker was Patrick Wanis. He is a life coach and human behavior expert.

He spoke of the Law of Attraction, but went deeper. He said that the Law of Attraction was only the beginning. There were 2 OTHER laws that had to be invoked in order for the Law of Attraction to work.

They were the Law of Action and the Law of Deservedness...... He also spoke about our relationship with money and were we OPEN to receiving wealth?

Things began to fall into place for me. I have been working with the Law of Attraction waiting for success to show up, but then sabotaging any small success I was receiving.

I've worked at the business by writing articles for Ezines, getting on My Space, but not really working hard at making friends and building the relationships, doing videos, dabbling at AdLand Pro and Direct Matches.

What I been resistant to doing was writing down goals, establishing self-talk that I could relate to (have been doing self-talk, but didn't feel it was my own), doing visualizations, and taking ACTION.

I have been in a constant state of anxiety for months now. I have been dreading getting up each morning, glad when bedtime came that I wouldn't have to think about, and feeling guilty about not doing my business.

I have kept my WHY's in the forefront, which is WHY I have hung on as long as I have been.

When I heard about the Law of Action and Law of Deservedness, a light bulb flashed. I realized I had not been taking action that would get me the leads I needed.

But mostly, I realized I didn't feel I DESERVED success and was sabotaging myself by doing busy work, i.e., filing, sorting, listening to some conference calls, studying/reading self-help books.

I didn't feel success was for me. It was for every one else. When I reread Chapter 1 and fully under stood how the Laws of Attraction, Action and Deservedness must have been so deeply ingrained in Edwin C. Barnes for him to be as persistent as he was in achieving his goals, I really understood what attributes he possessed and how he invoked the Laws of Attraction, Action and Deservedness.

He didn't spend his time shuffling papers or reading self-help books (though I am totally convinced that there is also a Law of Self-Development) to forestall his taking ACTION.

He took action and persisted to finally see the day come when it all paid off for him. I also understood the persistence of that little girl in getting her fifty-cents and Darby's lack of obtaining counsel from an expert to go 3' further in finding his gold.

I think I am finally on the RIGHT road. I now see HOW I can move forward. I have to draw on the expertise of my team members to do what they are doing to get prospects. I have to take action. But most importantly, I have to feel I DESERVE success and just quit sabotaging myself.

I feel this is a real break through for me. I want to work from my strengths and feel
passionate about what I am doing.

End of Suzan's life lesson.

This sort of thing happens week after week, person after person in the mental cleanse. People dig deep into their souls to find out why they are not having the success they desire. Week after week, people are having breakthroughs in their lives and in their businesses just like Suzan. It happens because they stay close to the fire.

If there are things in your life keeping you from fulfilling your dreams and you believe your life is worth 30 days, I invite you to join us each week on the mental cleanse call. Register here Don't forget to send me your lessons learned @

Be Empowered to Prosper!

Irma White
A Mentor with a Servant's Heart

To help you discover your strengths and fuel your passion, click here for free network marketing training.

1 comment:

Rhonda Wudarczyk said...

Irma, I love this post! Really hits home! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!