Sunday, November 2, 2008

What Secret Language is Your Client Speaking?

On October 24th in Jacksonville, Florida, Michael Dlouhy kicked off a 41 city tour for Mentoring for Free, the FREEDOM TOUR 2008. He will be traveling up the eastern United States, into Canada, and swinging down into the central US through Texas, and ending back in Florida. His Freedom Tour 2009 will include the west coast of the US and Canada.

Michael Dlouhy is co-founder of Mentoring for Free, contributing author in It's Time for Network Marketing by John Milton Fogg, and Chicken Soup for the Network Marketer by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, and is the author of Success in 10 Steps, and Powerful Networking Secrets.

Michael has been in Network Marketing for over thirty years, and has been Full-Time for the last 17 years. His expertise and experience have been leveraged by many Network Marketing companies as a consultant. He is an example of a true "Professional Network Marketer".

Another leader in the industry will join Michael at each event of the "COLORS TECHNOLOGY" training.

Jerry Clark, first applied the "COLORS" to the classic personality types. Tom "Big Al" Schreiter has a training CD, "Speaking the Secret Language of Your Prospects", in which he discusses these "Colors". But "Big Al" publicly confessed, that he never really understood the "Colors" until he heard Michael Dlouhy explain them.

This "Colors Technology" is not just for Network Marketers. It is for anyone, who desires to communicate better with people.

Imagine beginning a conversation with a stranger, and immediately having insights into the person's personality traits.

Imagine a stranger coming into your car lot to buy a car, or your real estate office, bank, shop, speaking with a coworker, your boss, your employees, your Prospects and knowing the Colors Technology, it's like having X-Ray glasses into their minds.

Michael will demonstrate the techniques and how you can apply them in the real world.

Below are the city stops on the Freedom Tour 2008. To Attend a Live Event in a city near you, send me an e-mail with “Freedom Tour – [your city] in the Subject Line.

There is a $10 Admission however, if you call or send me an email I will register you and guarantee you a spot and cover your Admission costs. (see email below)

Location details will be sent to you after you reply and are registered.

Moncton, NB, Canada - November 7, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Montreal, QC, Canada - November 8, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Toronto, ON, Canada - November 9, 2008
1 - 6 PM

Cleveland, OH - November 12, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Detroit, MI - November 13, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Chicago, IL - November 14, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Milwaukee, WI - November 15, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Indianapolis, IN - November 16, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Elizabethtown, KY - November 17, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Nashville, TN - November 18, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Memphis, TN - November 19, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Little Rock, AR - November 20, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Kansas City, MO - November 21, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Minneapolis, MN - November 22, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Fargo, ND - November 23, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Winnipeg, MB, Canada - November 24, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Sioux Falls, SD - November 25, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Omaha, NE - December 1, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Boulder, CO - December 2, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Denver, CO - December 3, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Tulsa, OK - December 4, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Dallas, TX - December 5, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Austin, TX - December 6, 2008
12 - 3 PM

San Antonio, TX - December 7, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Houston, TX - December 8, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Tallahassee, FL - December 10, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Tampa, FL - December 11, 2008
7 - 10 PM

St. Petersburg, FL - December 12, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Fort Myers, FL - December 13, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Fort Lauderdale, FL - December 14, 2008
7 - 10 PM

Western USA and Canadian Locations Coming in 2009

Hope to see you there,

Be empowered to prosper!

Irma White

"Be a Mentor With a Servant's Heart"

Michael's ebook, Success in 10 Steps, is available here.

If this information was helpful, click here for more free network marketing training, strategies, tips and resources to help you reach your business goals.

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