Free Network Marketing Training - is it really free? And, if free network marketing training is free, is it of any value?
Well, that depends. Let's first determine if free network marketing training can really be free. I happen to know with Mentoring for Free it is completely free although I can't attest for any of the other so-called free network marketing training offered. With Mentoring for Free we offer an ebook entitled 'Success in 10 Steps'. This free ebook, written by my personal friend and mentor, Michael Dlouhy, gives the straight scoop about network marketing. Michael intentionally joined 100 nework marketing companies. His purpose was to find out why most people never earn any money in the industry. When you read his book and get understanding of what he shares, you won't have to keep joining program after program to find something that works because you'll know from the free training what will and what won't. Additionally, you won't stick with something you have absolutely no chance to make it. Either way, the information can literally save you years of failure and frustration in the network marketing industry.
While reading the Success in 10 Steps book you may have some light bulb moments. You may get understanding of why you haven't had the success you desired. If you get to that point, congratulations! Some people who read the book never get there. If and when you do, more free training is offered -- a series of audio tapes. These tapes cover various topics that every professional network marketer should know and understand. There goes that word again -- understand. Just as some people read the ebook and don't understand the information, the same can and often does happen when people listen to the tapes. How do I know there is no understanding? Because they will continue to do what they've always done except they expect different results.
In addition to the free audio tapes, we provide 10 free live interactive training calls each week. The training encompasses how, when, and where to advertise; how to brand yourself; how to market on and offline; how to create videos; how to blog; and much, much more. We also have mastermind and coaches corner calls after we read personal-development books. These calls are priceless.
Which brings me to this: Is there any value in something that is free? Well, you be the judge. I just shared some of the training offered by Mentoring for Free. I can tell you this, those who understand and see the value in the training and take advantage of the education provided, including myself, are eternally grateful.
So, if you've ever wondered if free network marketing training is really free and if so, what's the value in it I hope I've answered your questions. Not only that, if you've never done so I hope you decide to become a network marketing professional and download the free ebook, Success in 10 Steps. And, in all your getting, I hope you get understanding so you can achieve the results you are desiring in this wonderful network marketing industry.
Be empowered to prosper!
Irma White
A Mentor with a Servant's Heart
If this information was helpful, click here for more free network marketing training, strategies, tips and resources to help you reach your business goals.
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