Do you know for the past month I have been going to sleep after -- looking at a kiddie movie, after --- reading a kiddie book and after ---2:00 a.m. all because of a 6 year old. But finally, I asked his mother "what do you do to make him go to
sleep" and was told "simply turn off the lights and T.V. and within 15 minutes he will be sleep. " BOY, was I slow -- I've tried everything to get him to go to sleep (at least by midnight) and all I had to do was turn off the lights and T.V.
As you can see I wasn't thinking at all. I was letting whatever happens happen. But, to get the result I wanted I had to do something different. And, it first started with my seeking help from someone who knew what to do.
That is also what happened with my network marketing business. I used to go about building my business all wrong until I sought help from someone who knew what to do. When I took their advice, I also started getting the results they got and I
desired. I no longer let whatever happens happen.
What about you? Are you getting the results you desire in your business? Well, you may need to do something different. You know the adage 'if you keep doing the same thing, you will get the same result.' (actually it says the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.)
Click here now to get the help you desire and stop the insanity. The results won't happen in 15 minutes, but they will happen.
Be empowered to prosper!
Irma White
A Mentor with a Heart
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Why Copying and Pasting May be Detrimental to Your Business
If you work online and write blogs, articles or even status updates to your social networking sites, like most of us you probably occasionally copy and paste to save time. But is that a good thing?
I love writing blogs and articles. And I admit, at times I copy and paste information from various sources. However, when I do, I give the credit where due. If I copied the entire article and added my thoughts, I let the reader know which thoughts are mine and which are not. If I am tweeting or adding status updates, when I know the source of a quote, I make it known. If I don’t, I simply state, ‘there is an old saying.’ This indicates I am not the originator.
It is okay to paraphrase a quote without giving credit. But, beware of copying and pasting and passing it off as your own thoughts. Everybody knows that is plagiarism, which is dishonest. And, if people join people they know, like and trust, this could be detrimental to your business.
Another reason copying and pasting someone else’s thoughts could be detrimental is this: You may not be sending the same energy and/or emotions which the author did. While the author may have written his thoughts in a state of positive emotion which is conveyed that way, you may be experiencing anxiety when copying and pasting and that too will be conveyed and you won’t obtain the same successful results.
So, why not think about this: it is okay to sometimes state your own thoughts in your own words. You are brilliant after all.
Be empowered to prosper!
Irma White
If this information was helpful, click here for more free network marketing training, strategies, tips and resources to help you reach your business goals.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Closing the Gap Between Who You Are and Who You Say You Are
There is an old saying 'the gap between who you are and who you say you are is what creates the stress in your life.' One thing I’ve learned about life is this: Just as a “diamond in the rough” needs to be refined, so do I. And that refinement begins in the mind. So, I am always reading something of value to close the gap in my mind between who I am and who I say I am. I recently finished the all-time classic ‘Acres of Diamonds’ by Dr. Russell Conwell and I wanted to share the lessons I learned.
Lesson No. 1
Wherever you are right now, you already have everything needed to obtain wealth. You only need to stir up the gift that is inside of you which is lying dormant waiting to be discovered. But, it can be overlooked if you look elsewhere. Also, you have the ability to learn all that you need to know in your quest.
Lesson No. 2
Start with what you already have and use it. By doing so, whatever you have will increase which will produce more, then more and so on and so forth. And, you don’t need capital, you need common sense (or wisdom). If you lack wisdom 'ask for it.'
Lesson No. 3
The one secret to success is to know the demand. Find a need and fill it. The need is found by caring about and taking interest in people. Generally, the same things that one family needs are usually the same things that others need. Take time to observe and ask questions, and the need will be found. Then, stay focused and invest the time, energy and resources into supplying the demand. By so doing, not only will the need be filled, you will be fulfilled in my own backyard.
Be empowered to prosper!
Irma White
Click here to receive One of the Top Ten Books of All Time 'Acres of Diamonds' for FREE...and Find Out the Real Meaning of "You Become What You Think About."
If this information was helpful, click here for more free network marketing training, strategies, tips and resources to help you reach your business goals.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
What I Learned From a Six Year Old
I have been blessed to have my six-year-old grandson visit with me for the month of June. It is a blessing but certainly challenging to continue working my business every day. For one thing I can't concentrate or hear myself think because from the time he wakes up until the time he goes to bed there is constant chatter. Keane talks non-stop and is a thinker and is always expressing his thoughts. He also jumps from one activity to the next.
When I attempt to think it is difficult because of his chatter. I realized that is how I used to be. I had a lot of chatter constantly going on in my mind. Most of it was negative, most of it was disempowering, and most of it was discouraging. Also, because of my "blue" personality I would often jump from activity to activity, from project to project and from mlm company to mlm company. Boy, am I glad I participated in the 30 day mental cleanse which helped me stop all that chatter. Also, reading the Success in 10 Steps ebook stopped the company hopping.
Keane has taught me a lot. From observing him I realize I really do need to become more like a child. He has no problem asking for what he wants. And, if he doesn't get it the first time, he will persist and ask again, and again, and again. As adults we sometimes stop asking for what we want. We often settle for what we get. I know I have been guilty of that. But clearly the bible says "we have not because we ask not."
Keane has taught me how to use my creativity. Since he knows I can sew, he wanted me to dress a teddy bear. He didn't stop asking until I relented. That meant I had to make the bear some clothes -- pants & shirt. When I said I didn't know how he simply said 'yes you do.' And so I did. Two lessons learned: 1) persist until you get what you desire as he did and 2) you really can if you think you can as I did when I started believing I could (provided you have the natural ability). In other words, I have not been blessed to sing. So, no matter how hard I try, I will never be a singer.
One other thing I observed from Keane. He is impatient. He wants every thing now. For instance, he wanted a hot dog so I put water on the stove (I am old school with my hot dogs.) He said, that will take too long. Why can't you put it in the microwave? Is that impatient or what?
I remember when I was like that about building my home business. I was impatient and wanted microwave results. This only caused much frustration. Thank God I started understanding principles like the "slight edge." I also learned how to follow a simple recipe for success that eliminated the frustration and I now enjoy building my home business.
Well, that's all for now. There is too much chatter going on.
Be empowered to prosper!
Irma White
A Mentor with a Servant's Heart
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